Boost Your Blog Earnings And for you to make money with that blog website, you need a good article that can generate a lot of traffic for you to increase your earnings. This is one of my accounts; it has already generated over $940. On my account, if you come here, this is Montag. Montag has already generated over $800. Will is very free traffic in this post. Post I’m going to show you seven websites that are going to help you to write a unique article that you can publish on that blog website. You generate a lot of traffic on your website and make a lot of money. This is totally for free.
Remember, if you’re running a blog website, it is somehow difficult to be generating constant article. But with this free article generators, you can as well generate a lot of articles for your blog website and increase your traffic and your earnings. Once your website is fully developed and monetized, then you have to make sure you come to this first website.
So if you’re new to my channel, if this is your first time on my channel, my name is John Francis. What I teach here are my proving strategies to make money online. So if any of the topics interest you, I want you to hit that subscribe button, subscribe to my channel, and turn on the Bell notification icon so that whenever I post posts like this, you’re going to be the first to S. Okay, so without further Ado, I’m going to go straight to the point and show you the best article writers that you can simply use and optimize your website for SEO traffic and make a lot of money. Boost Your Blog Earnings

Okay, the first onal list is Gravity Right. This is This is a platform that I like so much, and I do recommend this website to most of my subscribers, and they are generating their income with this very platform because this platform is going to help you to generate your articles. Boost Your Blog Earnings
All you need to do simply give it a title so for you to write on then it’s going to generate the article for you. You can simply start for free. They’re going to offer you a one-month free Tri out. Within these few weeks, you can as well generate a lot of articles for yourself, publish on your website to make your money. Alright, so at the ending part of this post, I’m going to give you a bonus tip that’s going to help you to optimize your article for more traffic.
Boost Your Blog Earnings Alright, so the second website on our list is IR This is I This is also an article regenerator with free plagiarism. Then the content you’re going to get from this website is optimized for SEO. This is totally for free. All you need to do is simply sign up for free on this platform, then you start generating your articles. You can decide to upgrade if you want to upgrade.
Okay, so it’s not really by force. You can decide to upgrade, but if you don’t want to upgrade, you can as well use the free version and do whatever you want. Once the free version expires, then you can go ahead and upgrade.

Okay, so this is another platform that’s going to help you to generate your articles and help you to make your money and publish more articles. You remember, the more articles you publish on your blog website, the more traffic you’re going to get and the more visibility is going to give to your blog website and get a lot of revenue from your ad account. Boost Your Blog Earnings
Okay, so take, for instance, if you monetize your website with ASA, then you can make your money and check your revenue right here. If you monetize with Montag, you can simply check your revenue whichever one you have, whichever one you use to monetize your website, you can as well track them on your account.
Okay, the third website that’s going to help you to generate an SEO optimized content is Right Sonic. This is Right Sonic right here. This is a platform that’s going to help you to generate a lot of articles for your brand, and you’ll make your money without stress.
All you need to do is simply click on this try for free. You can simply try this particular platform for free and generate your articles without stress. Okay, this is totally for free. Anybody can come to this platform and register and begin generating a lot of content for your website.
Boost Your Blog Earnings And one of the best things I like about this platform is that they’re going to give you an SU optimized title that you can use on your blog post to generate more traffic, which means they’re going to target a keyword people are researching out there on Google search engine.

Okay, so this will help you to generate more traffic your blog website and make your money while you generate your articles on this website. Okay, so I’m going to leave the link in the post description so you can simply try them out and get started with them.
Okay, this is unbounce right here This is an article generator that can help you to generate an AI-powered article with free plagiarism. Okay, it’s going to help you to generate your content and make your money on the BL website.
Boost Your Blog Earnings This is totally for free. You can try it right here for free. This is totally for free. The free version is going to help you to generate a lot of content. Okay, so if I will use, I can use a day and generate a lot of content, then I will start editing them one after the other. This is just a secret I’m revealing to you right now in this very post.
Okay, so um, you can as well use a particular day, generate a lot of content, start editing them one after the other to publish. Okay, because if you end up generating one today, then tomorrow you try again, you end up seeing that your free version has already expired. Okay, so the next website that’s going to help you to generate an SE optimized content for your blog website is Cookie. Boost Your Blog Earnings

This is Cookie AI okay, that’s going to help you to generate your content. This is just like a human rating content. All you need to do simply come to this platform and click on the try for free. Okay, this particular platform is going to help you to generate your article for your social media handle for your social media pages, your blog website, and the rest.
Okay, so you need to do simply come to this platform and register and begin generating your content. The next website that’s going to help you to generate your SEO optimized content is AI writer. This is AI writer. I’m going to drop the link in the post description, so have to bother yourself about getting the right spelling and the rest. Okay, so I’m going to drop that in the post description. Boost Your Blog Earnings
You can see right this is This is a platform that’s going to help you also to generate your content. This is one of the best I like among all of these websites.
This one of the best. You can see right, this particular website is going to generate a verifiable content for you, an up to date content, which means you’re not going to get outdated content. Okay, and this content is also optimized for SEO, which means you’re going to be getting your traffic from Google search, and your content are going to rank on Google.

Okay, so you need to do simply come to each of these platforms and register your account and begin generating your content to publish on your blog website. Remember, if you come to this session right, you’re going to see the pricing plan.
Okay, this is the pricing plan after exhausting the free version. You can as well upgrade and generate more 70 content with just $39. Okay, this is how it works. You simply do this consistently publish your blog post, and you begin generating a lot of income online right.
So the last website and not the least is the one I like so much. This is Article 4, this is This is a platform that’s going to help you to generate a lot of content for your blog website. Boost Your Blog Earnings
And all you need to do simply enter your keyword, then you choose your preferred language, then it’s going to generate over 3,000 words under 60 seconds. Okay, you have to make sure you copy the article and edit them.
Okay, so whichever article you generate in all of these platforms, you have to make sure you edit them okay because most of the time these AIS are going to repeat some paragraph, they’re going to repeat some paragraphs. So all you need to do simply read through it, okay, then publish on your website blog and get your traffic to make more money on each of your ad platforms.

Okay, so remember if you’ve not gotten your blog website, you can as well click the link in the post description and join us on our Telegram channel to get a fully monetized website blog, and you don’t have to start writing content.
You can as well use these platforms to generate your content and begin making your money. This is an autopilot, okay, which means you’re not required to do anything. All you need to do simply give it a command on what you want it to generate, then it to generate it, and you publish it for yourself and publish it on your blog. People will come there to read and you make your money. Boost Your Blog Earnings
Okay, so this is how it works. So these are my top picks on the best article writers for SEO optimization and ranking. Okay, so if you have any question, drop it in the comment section. If you have anything bothering you, click the link in the post description and join us on our Telegram channel. I’m going to be there to reply to you okay, so thank you guys for reading this post. I’m going to see you guys in the next.
The content focuses on utilizing article generators to enhance blog traffic and earnings. It introduces seven websites offering tools to generate unique articles for blogs. The author highlights the significance of consistent content generation for increasing website visibility and revenue. Additionally, they offer tips on optimizing articles for SEO and attracting more traffic to monetized blog websites. Boost Your Blog Earnings
#BlogTraffic #ArticleGenerators #ContentCreation #SEOOptimization #MonetizedBlogs #DigitalMarketingTips #OnlineContent
Article generators, blog traffic, SEO optimization, monetized blogs, content creation, digital marketing, online content, SEO tools, website visibility, revenue generation