Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Leveraging Pinterest Trends and AI Content Creation for Online Income 2024
Mastering Affiliate Marketing If you don’t make money with this strategy Dr. about showing you click the link in the post description. Join us on our Telegram Channel, chat me up there, and I’m going to apologize for wasting your time. As you can see, this is my Share account and this is how much I’ve already made.
I was paid over $1,950 from these very accounts on the 28th of this month, and this money was paid straight to my poner account. This is the money right here, and funny enough, Payer took $29 charges, so this is normally what they do—approximately $30. Alright, I believe I’m going to simply switch over to my um dollar account because I don’t like this um stress of um taking $30 from me when you’re not helping me to make the money, alright? This is just my payment proof for this month showing you that this particular method is going to work for you, okay?

And yesterday I was able to accumulate $85 on this very account, and I’m going to simply show you the strategy I use for this. This method doesn’t require you to spend any money. I use one of my websites. I don’t like disclosing the website for security reasons, okay?
I’m going to use this website right here to show you what I did on my other website that made me so much money on Share Sale, okay? So, this is what I did. I set up a new blog website with a custom domain, not a free blog. You have to make sure you focus on the paid blog.
It will help you to appear professional and also make your business more unique, okay? If you don’t have a blog website, you can contact a developer that will do that for you and develop your website. But if you don’t have any developer, I would like you to click the link in the post description and join us on our Telegram Channel. My team is going to develop your website, set it up for you, monetize this website with ad network, and also integrate it to your Share links, and you start making money, alright? Mastering Affiliate Marketing
Remember, once your website is fully developed, all you need to do is simply come over to Share. So right here, you have to make sure you pick a particular category, right? So, you have to make sure you click on this search for a match if you don’t have a match already, and you’re going to see a lot of categories, alright? So forget about these categories.

We’re going to simply use this method that I’m about showing you to make money, alright? So, the next thing you’re going to do right now before you select a category, you have to make sure you go for what people are really searching for, alright? What is trending? So, you need to do simply head over to Pinterest.
If you have a Pinterest account, you have to make sure you upgrade your account to a business page. Okay? Click on this business hub. Once you click on that, you’re going to see a lot of options. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
You can see the shortcut, you can see the create analytics, and then business, right? So, under this analytics, click on this trend, alright? Click on the trend. This trend will help you to know what people are really searching for, what is trending at the moment in various countries, okay?
This is the United States that has been selected. You can go ahead and select any country of your choice, alright? This particular country has more buying power and the rest, okay? So, if you come to Pinterest Trend, you scroll down a little bit, you can see top trends in the United States this month, okay?

Christmas nails, chef’s idea, Christmas wallpaper, fashion. So, if you go up a little bit, you’re going to see we have Christmas cookies and the reverse, okay? You have to make sure you focus on the trend that is related to your website niche, okay? For this month, this Christmas nails is going up.
Let’s search for discount. Discount is not really bad. I want something that will help us to get a lot of traffic for free, okay? So, this is what you keep searching. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
So, let me just go to Share Sale, then let’s say I want to pick one of these niches here, let’s say career jobs, blah, blah, blah. This is not really trending for this season, okay? So, I want something that will be trending. Health, Home, and Garden, okay?
So, let’s search for Home and Garden. Home, let’s search for Home. Alright, so, Home. Okay, alright, good.
Homemade Christmas gift, and we have this Home Decor is trending. So, let’s go for Home Decor. You can see it is going higher. This one is going higher from November. Mastering Affiliate Marketing

It started going up and it will keep going up because most people want to arrange their home this X-mas. They want to prepare some stuff. They want to make their home look good, okay? So, promoting any type of product under this particular category is going to help you to generate a lot of money, alright?
So, if you come to Share Sale, then you search for Home and Garden, click on Home and Garden. Just search for that, okay? You have to scroll down a little bit. Once you have your website ready, it will be easier for you, okay?
I’m not training people that are lazy. I want to train people that will be creative, that can think outside the box on how to utilize things and make money, alright? So, once you apply for each of the products that you want to promote and got approved, the next thing you have to do is simply copy the affiliate link, head back to your Pinterest, okay? This is what is trending now.
This is Home Decor, okay? Go to Canva. Then you have to sign in. Then you come to Can, right here. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
Set for any home decor. Let’s search for Home Decor, okay? So, this is it. So, we’re going to simply use this template for our Pinterest pin, okay?
So, remember, Pinterest pin is somehow like a short template, okay? So, let’s see if this is going to work for us, okay? So, this is Home Decor. If you scroll down, we just want to make use of the three versions, okay?

We want to go for this. This particular one has two pages, okay? So, all you need to do is simply customize this the way you want according to your brand and what you are promoting. Those are the details you can add on your Pinterest pin, okay?
So, allow it to load. Let’s download this. So, I would like to download this as an image. Then you select PNG instead of MP4. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
You have to click on download, allow it to load. Okay, the PNG is more faster. Okay, so it has been downloaded. The next thing I’m going to do now simply head over to my Pinterest account.
Come to this section that says Pinterest. Click on create pin. Then you have to drag and drop the image you’ve already designed. You want to go for this.
Then you upload it. Okay, so say for instance, this is the product you want to sell. The next thing you’re going to do simply add the title of the product right here. Okay, then you add some description here on this description.
You just have to make sure you add the same link you copy. You can see the same link we are trying to promote. Okay, to make sure you shorten it okay, so that people will not know that it is coming from Share Sale. Okay, search for URL shortening URL.
You have to paste the URL here. Click on shortening URL. Then click on copy. After that, head back to Pinterest. Mastering Affiliate Marketing

Add your description and also this is going to be your purchase link okay, so they can simply buy now. Alright, so after that, you can also add the link here. Then on this section, you have to make sure you add tags and topics okay. So, the tags should be those trending stuffs you saw on Pinterest trend okay.
So, remember, we typed in home decor. It brought out home decoration for Christmas and the rest okay. So, those are the tags you have to add here okay. You have to click on see more then allow people to come. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
You have to make sure you turn off this okay. This will help you to gain authority so if people are seeing your product they’re not going to see other products down below your own okay.
So that they will not make another choice of purchasing from other people okay.
You turn off this, set up all of this then you click on this publish button. Mastering Affiliate Marketing
They can simply click on your pin and visit the page you are trying to promote.

This is the first strategy and another strategy is to head over to your blog website alright.
You have to make sure you write a detailed blog post about this particular product you want to promote okay.
Remember, I’ve already shown you guys on how to generate content AI generated content okay.
You can use Gravity right to generate your AI content just have to head over to your Gravity right and create your account sign up on this very platform once you sign up this AI platform is going to generate an AI optimized article for you then you publish it on your blog website embed your link on this blog post and the more people visit your website to click on the link the more money you’re going to make on this very platform okay.
So this is totally for free this is how I was able to generate a lot of money and this requires you to stay consistent add blog posts on this platform and you make more money right so you need to do simply do this consistently and you see yourself cashing out on a monthly basis alright. Mastering Affiliate Marketing

So if you have any question on this I would like you to drop it down in the comment section if you have anything bothering you click the link and join us on our Telegram Channel and also if you want to get your website fully developed and monetized can also click the link and join us on our Telegram channel to also get your approved Share Sale account alright so thank you guys for reading this post I’m going to see you guys in the next post.
The article outlines a strategy for making money online through affiliate marketing on platforms like Share Sale. It involves creating a blog website, identifying trending topics on Pinterest, promoting relevant products, and leveraging AI-generated content to attract traffic. The method emphasizes consistency and offers tips on optimizing Pinterest pins and blog posts.
#AffiliateMarketing #OnlineIncome #PinterestTrends #BlogMonetization #AIContentCreation
Affiliate marketing, Share Sale, blog website, Pinterest trends, AI-generated content, online income, monetization, Pinterest pins, blog posts, trending topics, making money online.