Complete Guide: Generating Online Income with Printify, Canva, and Pinterest Strategies 2024

Generating Online Income with Printify This is one of the easiest side hustles you can easily do from any part of the world and generate a lot of income. If you come to my account right here, this is how much I’ve been able to generate on this very platform with this very strategy that I’m going to show you in this post. I’m going to simply guide you step by step on how you can get started with this business model and make a lot of money. This is totally for free; you’re not required to pay anything to make money on this platform.

All you need to do is simply follow these simple steps that I’m going to show you, and you’ll see yourself making even more than this. You can withdraw your money through PayPal or Payer. This is how much I’ve been able to generate from this very platform that I’m going to show you. You’re not required to do anything; all you need to do is simply follow these simple steps that I’m going to show you, and you’ll see yourself making a lot of money. Generating Online Income with Printify

I’m going to simply work with you step by step on how you can make money on this platform. I’m going to show you how you can simply register on this platform, how you can find trending design ideas that will help you to generate a lot of sales. In this post, I’m also going to show you how you can simply create your product, how you can add your product on this store, and how you can connect an external store on your platform and begin to make money. I’m also going to give you a bonus tip that will help you to promote and drive massive sales to make a lot of money on this very platform.

Generating Online Income with Printify

This is totally for free; you’re not going to pay anything for this. This is what I’ve tried myself; it worked for me. So, if you’re meeting me for the first time, my name is John Francis. What I teach here is how to make money online: internet marketing, blogging tutorials, anything related to making money online, that is what I publish here. Generating Online Income with Printify

So, if any of these topics interest you, I would like you to hit that like button and subscribe to this channel so that you won’t miss any of my uploads. Okay, I don’t want this post to be long; I just want to go straight to the point. The first thing you have to do is simply come to Printify. If you don’t know about Printify, this is a platform that helps you to sell products.

So, you just have to come to this platform and register your account. You have to make sure you register as a seller. Once you register, the next thing you’re going to do is simply find design ideas. You don’t have to go ahead and start creating any product without total market research of that particular product. Generating Online Income with Printify

You want a product that can sell, a product that is trending, and a product that people can also buy. So, the next thing you’re going to do right now is simply come to this platform, then click on this catalog. Once you click on the catalog, you’re going to see a lot of products that are here. You can design t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, decoration, etc.

We’ll be focusing on the best sellers. These are the best sellers here, and all you need to do is simply select any one you want to go for. If I click on a t-shirt, I’m also going to research the best sellers. You can see here we have the best seller here, this one is the best seller, this one too is a best seller, and if you scroll down, you’re going to see more best sellers. Generating Online Income with Printify

Generating Online Income with Printify Okay, so what I’m going to do right now is simply select this one. Select this one. Alright, so we’re going to the next step which is to create a product. I’m going to simply show you how to create this product.

All you need to do is simply come back to this section; remember, this is the design you want to go for. So, these are the places you can simply add designs. We’re going to design. The simple step to do that is to head over to Canva.

Then, on this Canva, you have to search for t-shirt design. We can go for Christmas t-shirt design. These are the Christmas designs and the rest. So, we have to simply scroll down. Generating Online Income with Printify

So, we are using the Canva free version. That’s why you’re seeing all of this. Okay, remember I told you this is totally for free. We’re not going to be subscribing to anything; we are only going to use the free versions of all of this and make our money.

I think I love this one, so let’s click on this one right here, then click on customize. So, you have to make sure you design something unique. We’re going to be changing most of this right here and we’re going to be changing the color so that we’ll make it our own. Alright, select this, change the color to red. Generating Online Income with Printify

Skip this door. So, we’re going to be selecting red as our color then go down, click here. I want deep red. Okay, so we want to select that then on this SE, we’re going to simply select red as well.

Then for here, we’re going to be changing. Alright, so after that, the next thing you want to do right now is simply click on this share button. Alright, so you can go ahead and design whatever you want to design, just make sure it is catchy. So, click on this download button. Generating Online Income with Printify

Make sure you select PNG. Okay, then click on download. Then allow it to download. Remember the reason why we saw that is because we are using the free version.

Okay, remember I told you this is totally for free. Okay, then we have to head back to our design. Then the next step is to add the product. Okay, so how do you now add the product?G enerating Online Income with Printify

You have to make sure you head back to your design. You can see the product information, you can see the start design button, you can see all of this. Okay, so the next thing you’re going to do is simply click on this start design. We have to make sure we import our design, click on open, allow it to load.

So, guys, if you’re getting value in this post, I want you to hit that subscribe button, subscribe to this channel, and turn on the bell notification icon. Click the link and join us on our telegram channel. We can simply customize it the way we want. I want it to be in the middle. Generating Online Income with Printify

Then the back side, we also have to drag the image. Remember we have the front side and the back side, okay? So, this is the front and back. Okay, so the next we’re going to do right now is simply select the product variant.

You can see here we have the five sizes all in stock and the rest of them and each of these sizes right here they have their specific prices. Okay, you just have to leave it. But after adding the product, let’s see how our product looks. Okay, you can see the product now. Generating Online Income with Printify

We’ve got the product and this is it right here and these are the products we’re about to sell in this very post. Okay, so you just have to make sure you leave this or you customize it if you want to customize more. Alright, if you want to edit anyone you want, you just have to select the forance you want to edit. This one, you have to select it.

This is it, then you have to simply click on this save product button. Okay, so this is our product right now. So, you just have to make sure you leave this or you customize it if you have a better description and title. Okay, then you have to simply scroll down. Generating Online Income with Printify

You’re going to see the price. You can as well edit it or you leave it the way it is while here, okay? But I advise you to leave everything the way it is. All you need to do is simply add your product.

Most of this job has been done for you on this platform. Okay, so it is very much simple. Okay, you just have to make sure you come back to this section, scroll down a little bit, click on this ad, connect a store. Then in this section, you can simply connect your already existing store or you add a new store.

Okay, you can as well click on this connect store then you connect either Shopify or H. Okay, I’ve already connected my Shopify account. You just have to make sure you add the URL of your Shopify store. Okay, then click on connect. Generating Online Income with Printify

If you want to connect any other store of your choice, you can simply connect it. You just have to make sure you head back to your account and select the link for that product. Okay, then you have to simply copy the link of your store. Then right now we have to make sure we promote and drive sales to our store and make a lot of money.

Alright, so we’ll be using Pinterest for this. Set for pinterest. com. Come to this section that says create a pin.

Okay, so before you create a pin, you just have to make sure you create your pin by yourself, you have to design your pin by yourself, and we’re also going to be using Canva for this. Head over to your Canva then search for it, you have to search for a Pinterest pin. You can use a post pin or an image pin. Okay, remember we are selling a t-shirt; you have to make sure you select whatever you want to select and customize it.

Okay, so we have to make sure you scroll down a little bit, then we’re going to be selecting this. Then click on customize. So, in this section, we have to make sure we import that same design we already downloaded. Okay, so we have to make sure you click on this upload button, click here to upload, then select this upload. Generating Online Income with Printify

We add it here, customize it the way you want. You can change the background color; you can change it to white. So, anyone you want to select, click on this download button and download it also. Remember to download as PNG.

Okay, then we’re going to be saving this. Then after the download, head back to your P. Remember, we’ve already copied the link of our store, then we have to paste the link here. Then you have to simply select here and upload the Pinterest pin.

Okay, this is the Pinterest pin then head back to the products, copy the title, then come back to Pinterest and paste it here. Okay, then head back to the products, copy the description. So, this is what we want, then head down to this section, collect this, then come back to this section, make sure everything is well set, then click on this publish button. Once your Pinterest pin is published, and most people that come here to make research are going to be seeing your product. Generating Online Income with Printify

They’re going to click on your link and purchase your product and you make money.

This is totally for free and anybody can do this and generate a lot of money.

This is a simple strategy to make money on this very platform.

If you have any questions on this, I would like you to drop it in the comment section and if you have anything bothering you, click the link in the post description and join us on our telegram channel. Generating Online Income with Printify

I’m also going to be there to reply to you and answer your questions.

Okay, so thank you guys for reading this post.

I’m going to see you guys in the next post.


The article offers a comprehensive guide on leveraging a specific platform to create and sell products, emphasizing the use of Printify, Canva, and Pinterest to generate income online through personalized designs.


#OnlineIncomeGeneration #PrintifyTutorial #CanvaDesigns #PinterestMarketing #EcommerceStrategies


Online Income Generation, Printify Tutorial, Canva Designs, Pinterest Marketing, Ecommerce Strategies, Product Creation, Selling Online, Platform Utilization, Design Customization, Free Marketing Tools

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