How to Make Money with Google Ads Without a Website Complete Beginner’s Guide

Make Money with Google Ads

“How to Make Money with Google Ads Without a Website: Complete Beginner’s Guide”

Make Money with Google Ads In this post revealing how to make money with Google Ads without a website and how complete beginners are earning a hundred dollars a day to 700 a day with no experience more than after the intro.

Hey guys how’s it going I welcome to this post

So guys check this out I literally released a bunch of posts with that made money with Google Ads without actually having their own website and the craziest thing is you don’t need any technical experience you don’t need any like background tech savviness. it’s just kind of confusing when people first get started they’re like man Make Money with Google Ads

Make Money with Google Ads

you know I want to make money with advertising because you know I don’t want to show my face on camera but I also don’t have a product and no one will hire me I’m trying to go on Upwork and trying to find somebody so I can be you know like so I can get them as a client and they can pay me two grand a month and people are kind of like stuck in this limbo you know they know people are making money with Google Ads they know people are making money alone Make Money with Google Ads

they know every single day people are making money with like ads right like without showing their face on camera but they literally look at them and they’re like well that’s good for them but it will never work for me well I’m here to tell you that there’s this new method that people are actually doing that Make Money with Google Ads

they’re pivoting to without showing their face on camera without having tech savviness and the craziest thing is they have robots do all the hard work and this is literally what people ask when people first get started like well Mike if I want to go for example model Dina success or Greg success or even like for example Keegan success or for example like any one of these guys’ success that are following this method that are literally going from zero to 30 grand a month faster than literally anything with Google Ads how would I go ahead and do this especially if I do not have my own website especially Make Money with Google Ads

Make Money with Google Ads

if I don’t want to build a blog kind of like what you did to go ahead and make money online is it still possible to make a lot of money Mike like do I have to be like you and make a bunch of posts and like because like the traditional way by the way and you for example google how to make money with Google Ads without a website Make Money with Google Ads

all these people are gonna essentially tell you to do is just start a YouTube channel okay but what if you don’t wanna start a YouTube channel right what if you don’t wanna show your face on camera what if you just wanna be an introvert and just stay behind the camera and just like type away and money just come and hit you in the face right like how would you go ahead and do that well it’s very simple the first step the first step before we could actually

find a really good Google Ad system is you gotta find a product to actually sell now one of the things that I always enjoy doing is don’t reinvent the wheel like when I first got started in business before I even built like multiple successful businesses that went from zero to eight grand in 30 days from for example zero to six grand in 30 days or 1.6 million that first year to even like a business that pulls in 35 grand 46 grand every single month as you can see one of my biggest problems was Make Money with Google Ads

I would reinvent the wheel I would see what’s working for everyone else and I’ll be like no I’m different and I’ll go off to the opposite side and fail over and over and over and over again but then I’m a mentor and he was like dude stop reinventing the wheel and just sell products that are already selling well and I was like oh and that’s when I literally went from zero to eight grand in 30 days because I literally found a product that was already selling well that already Make Money with Google Ads

had for example a website a sales funnel and everything and guess what this person was willing to literally bend over backwards to help me out now think about how crazy that is you can either go ahead and create your own product go to China manufacture yourself and it can be very very hard and you lose a bunch of money right or what if there’s someone that’s literally willing to bend over backwards to make sure you succeed that will ship the product for Make Money with Google Ads

Make Money with Google Ads

you they’ll do the customer service the shipping and handling so all you got to do is focus on the ads right like they’ll do the website they’ll do all the tech stuff and you just focus on the ads like what if that was the case well I’m here to tell you that that is the case and that’s literally the same case with ClickBank like you can literally sign up for free and there’s thousands of products you could already promote and the craziest thing is there’s a lot of people making money with it like Make Money with Google Ads

if you literally look at this a lot of these come with the word gravity score which means this is how many people have made at least one sale in the past 30 days so in the past just imagine this in the past 30 days 400 people have made at least 151 dollars many of which was actually people in our community because you know those are mostly people that are killing it with

this method right uh that’s why you can see we have like all these crazy success stories of normal order and people like oodles and noodles and noodles of people that are going from zero to 30 grand a month when in most models you may see like a couple handful of people do it there’s literally so many people in our model that go ahead and do this right and that’s literally because they leverage ClickBank and they literally find products that they could go ahead and for example Make Money with Google Ads

sell with Google Ads without creating their own website because in our community we just share the same website over and over like hey use this hey who’s that um and if you want to find out how to actually get these websites for free we’re going to reveal later on in this post how you can actually acquire that so just stay with me until the end but literally if you could see this it’s very easy to just do the math like for me I didn’t care about making millions of dollars online many of these people didn’t actually care about making you know 30 grand a month or a thousand dollars a day they were like man Make Money with Google Ads

if I could get five grand a month with this system in the next couple of weeks you know that would already be worth it right um and that’s what you gotta imagine because if you really could think about it five thousand dollars a month is literally just one sale a day one sale a day with this product and the moment you get this product which the coolest thing is ClickBank is free you gotta ask yourself okay well how am I gonna create a Google Ad with this right well this is where it’s gonna be very interesting because the way that they create Google Ads in our community Make Money with Google Ads

 is they don’t show their face on camera they don’t use their own voices they don’t even really do much of the editing of the videos themselves for the ads they literally get software to go ahead and do it I’m going to reveal exactly how to do this in this post remember the most important thing is the product right and the second step is you got to create like a script to run the ad now you’re probably wondering well what if I’m not a copywriter what Make Money with Google Ads

if I’m not like good at writing what if I’m not good at like you know all these different things well it’s very very simple all you gotta do in all any one of these things notice how they have like these affiliate uh pages right which essentially it’s someone else who’s literally giving you all the resources to go ahead and succeed in this right and this is how I made like a lot of money because there’s people that already are really good at selling the product and literally tell me Make Money with Google Ads

how to beat them so look at this 75 commission and it’s women for over 40 plus so they’re literally telling me exactly who the people that I should go ahead and for example target right with my ads and my Google Ads right um but what I want to go down is go to the email swipes because this is literally how you go ahead and for example find out what people are actually selling to right so look at this lose weight eating chocolate cake a fun and effortless way to lose weight um and you could see exactly the type of avatar or customer persona that they’re for example targeting so

what I like doing is I literally like copying and pasting this and instead of doing the old way of making money with Google Ads which like I said everyone is essentially telling you to go ahead and for example make a YouTube channel right what you gotta do is literally just put that in there and then what I would literally do when you go ahead and for example do this is start watching like all of these videos right and not just um do that like just literally go ahead and type in way to lose weight and see all Make Money with Google Ads

these things that pop up literally spend like the next 10 minutes or 20 minutes just fast-forwarding through a lot of these videos because a beautiful thing will happen right so just literally watch this watch this watch this watch this and what will happen eventually is ads will start running on your YouTube like like literally Make Money with Google Ads

while you watch videos pretty soon after you watch enough of these videos you’re literally gonna get the exact ads on Google that is working really well for YouTube ads right which is essentially owned by Google right and it’s one of the most lucrative ways to make money right now without showing your face on camera without literally having to have any tech savviness and we’re going to show you exactly how but the reason why you want to do this is like Make Money with Google Ads

I said the motto of this business is to not reinvent the wheel to see what’s already working right and what will happen when you watch enough videos is an ad that is literally selling one of these products will literally pop up eventually as long as you for example uh keep on watching the videos that you want to should get ads for right and that’s really what happened to me like look at this this like I was literally just watching videos about entrepreneurship and Make Money with Google Ads

I watched a couple of like eye videos and then I don’t know where this thing started showing up restore vision fast and naturally from home right and it was an ad that literally popped up I can like most likely wholeheartedly say that this is a million dollar ad right this is literally a million dollar ad because of the amount of eyeballs you’re getting and the craziest thing is they’re not showing their face on camera they’re not being like this guru figure and look at this

it’s just like stock video with text that are literally on here right so this is what I would end up doing the moment you start for example watching a bunch of these videos um and start getting ads the first thing you want to do is you want to grab that you are i’ll link right so what I like doing when you see like a YouTube ad pop up I like right clicking on it and looking for the thing known as stats for nerds ad6adm that’s literally what this thing is here ad6 adm so Make Money with Google Ads

what I end up doing is do you see how this is forward slash like watch um question mark v equals after that equal sign you literally put this thing right here and then the moment you put that thing right there you literally have the url link that’s as simple as that right it seems like overcomplicated like how can I go get you know a swipe file of all these ads that do well this is literally what I do I right click get the id and put it in the equal sign and now Make Money with Google Ads

I have it now what I can do on my own time is literally play the video and write down notes on exactly what the heck they’re saying because the fact that they’re getting all these views with literally not showing their face on camera and just with words on a screen with just cool pictures something is making money and I want to model and reverse engineer what they’re doing right so I can do it better does that make sense and once I literally have a good ad Make Money with Google Ads

what I’ll do is I literally see it and I’m like oh I can interchange words I can figure out the psychology of why this works really well oh there’s an intention getter oh this is how people create interests or these people how this ad is creating desire this is how people are getting people literally take action at the end they’re like oh look at this click on it before it’s gone so this can work for you too right so you could see that it’s literally scarcity as well you could start seeing how like Make Money with Google Ads

Make Money with Google Ads

Google Ads are making money the coolest thing about this is we’re even going to show you I can do this without actually having a website because someone else will do all the work for you right so if you really think about it this is the most powerful thing because then what we end up doing is we’ll literally go back to the email and we literally just plug and play that script with for example a bunch of different words in here and at different angles Make Money with Google Ads

like we could do it with like for example chocolate cake and losing weight we could kind of like for example a popular ad is like if you want to lose weight stop doing cardio right you could literally do something similar if you want to lose weight stop eating vegetables and start eating chocolate cake they can be like what the heck it’s like a pattern interrupt right so the moment you have that script and you’ve written it out because you’ve modeled it Make Money with Google Ads

you didn’t copy it you modeled it the next step is creating this ad now you’re probably wondering where can you go to actually create this ad if you’re not a video editor if you’re not tech savvy well it’s pretty simple that script what you go ahead and use that script for you first for example um like get an ai voice to do it right

 like the cool thing about this is these people use british voices like just listen like if you wear glasses you must see this that’s a british voice because it’s a fake voice and americans like because they don’t have passports and they’ve never traveled around the world which is like blows my mind it’s another rant in itself many people aren’t aware what a real british voice sounds like so they don’t realize that it’s actually an ai artificial intelligence voice right so Make Money with Google Ads

what you can do with the script is you can literally upload it into a software like lovo and they’re they literally have a bunch of different voices you can make them sound like from the south from like the uk from australia and you could use this as your voices for your google ads the next thing that you could do is take that script and that video and then upload it into a thing like in video because the coolest thing about this is notice this look at this there’s text on the bottom and a bunch of video so what in video does is it literally plays the video related to your word Make Money with Google Ads

so it essentially does all the editing for you guys does that make sense so it literally like makes everything so much easier if you go ahead and see this and that’s like if you could see the way this this ad goes ahead and runs it’s like literally background video within text that’s literally all this ad is for google ads and like I said this is literally how people are making a lot of money faster than anything else that has ever worked for them in their entire life you can even check it by just listening these podcasts right like this one right here this one right here right this one right here but Make Money with Google Ads

if you want to know exactly how to get the web pages for free and the website so you don’t even have to create it yourself because they didn’t have to create themselves then sign up for this week’s free workshop below because it’s the fast and easiest way to make money with this method that’s completely new this year and if you’re new to the channel check out this podcast and this podcast right here hope this helps love you guys see you guys later.

The post reveals a method to make money with Google Ads without needing a website or technical experience. It emphasizes leveraging existing successful products and provides a step-by-step guide on creating effective Google Ads using AI-generated voices and video editing software.


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