Effective Strategies for Legitimate Online Income Beyond Safe Clicking 2024
Legitimate Online Income After my last payment from share sale, I decided to explore other ways to make money from this very platform aside from safe clicking. Each of the posts I drop about safe clicking, some persons always misuse it. I’ve spent money on these very strategies just to make sure that this is working before I make a post about it. Alright, this is the money I’ve already made on this very platform right now. So, I’m going to simply refresh this page.
If I click on this refresh button, you can see right here this is still my $820 right here that I already generated on this very platform with this very traffic method that I’m going to show you in this post. If you want this to work for you, just have to make sure you read this post carefully and follow my strategies. Most of the safe clicking methods that I’ll be dropping right now will be on my telegram channel. So, if you’re not on my telegram channel, you’re not going to get it. Because if I make a post on this very platform, some persons are going to misuse it.
This will trigger the merchant not to approve your click. So, if you’re new to my channel, if this is your first time on my channel, my name is John Francis. What I teach you are my strategies to make money online, internet marketing, and blogging tutorials. That’s what I publish here. Okay, so if any of this topic interests you, I want you to smash that subscription button, subscribe to my channel, and turn on the bell notification icon so that whenever I post posts like this, you’re going to be the first to see it. Legitimate Online Income

Okay, so right here in this post, I’m going to simply work you through on how you can make your money and cash out on a daily basis without stress. Alright, so without further ado, let’s get down to the main business. So, the first thing you have to do is simply register on this platform. You have to register on ShareCell as an affiliate. Because of the money people are making on this platform, ShareCell has already made it more difficult for you to get approval.
So, one of the best tricks is to get an already approved Share account. If you want to get that, I would like you to click the link in the post description and join us on our telegram channel. From there, I’m going to simply help you get an approved Share account so that you can begin making your money with this very strategy. Okay, this particular post is not clicking. I’m going to simply work you on how to make money on this platform legitimately. Legitimate Online Income
So, the next thing you have to do is simply register on this platform. And for you to make money with this strategy, you need a website/blog because we’re going to install a plugin, a plugin that will help us fight against invalid click and bot clicks. I’m going to be using my website for this. Okay, so I have many other websites, but I normally use this one for my tutorials. A lot of you know this website.

If you have a developer that can develop it for you, you can go ahead and contact the person. But if you don’t have anyone, you can simply join us on our telegram channel. My team is going to help you develop your website and monetize it for you. Once you’re done with that, the next thing you have to do is simply scroll down a little bit because I have some recommended affiliate offers connection. Okay, so this one pays you per lead.
If you’re getting your click from a particular IP, bear it in mind that you’re not going to be making money with this strategy. This one right here pays $15 per click. They’re going to come back again after loading their account with money. Number two is this one right here. This is Dume. Legitimate Online Income
Okay, so they pay you $8. These are the platforms that pay you money. This is number three right here. This one pays you $5. I copied my link here.
Then what I did was to copy the link, then I went to my website to the section that says plugin. Then you have to simply come to this section and click on add new plugin. Search for so this is the plugin you’re going to install. You have to make sure you install this plugin. You can see right here it is active on my website side.

Alright, so that’s the number one plugin you’re going to install. Then it’s going to prank out this Jetpack. Okay, you have to make sure you install Jetpack on your website. Once you install that, scroll down to where you’re going to create your landing page. Okay, so you click on this allow it to load. Legitimate Online Income
Alright, so here you’re going to simply see a lot of landing pages that you’re going to use for this. Remember, this is your custom domain name. This is going to help you to get your ad approved. It’s not a free website. So, I would advise you to get yourself a professional website.
Then, this website is not only going to make money from ShareCell, you can as well monetize this website from ad Network and other CPA marketing platforms. Okay, these are pro versions but you can simply go for the free version. You can simply select any of this. Alright, so I’m going to simply use this one right here. So, what I’m going to do right now is simply insert this one right here.
I’m going to simply use this as the landing page. Select the merchant you want to promote. Okay, come to this section that says Banner. Right, so you’re going to see a lot of banners. You can simply use save the image on your device. Legitimate Online Income

Can save it. Remember, how many images do we have here? We have, um, I think one image. Okay, this is the number one image here. So, all you need to do simply customize it. Legitimate Online Income
I’m going to simply customize it now. All so I’m going to simply use this one right here because I want something that will trigger people to add their email. Okay, remember this particular stuff requires them to add their email. Okay, so you need to do simply come to this section. You join now. Legitimate Online Income
Alright, so the next I’m going to do is simply add the link. I’m going to simply copy this link. Copy the link from here. Come back here, add it. That’s it for that.
I think we are done with this. I don’t really need much. They will be redirected to the main website where they’re going to register and add the email. So, you have to simply click on publish. Okay, let’s simply preview this. Legitimate Online Income
They can simply click on this and once they add their email, then you’re going to simply get paid. Okay, so how do you now promote this landing page? Next, you’re going to do is simply highlight this. Okay, so remember this is your website here. You have to make sure you highlight this, then copy it.
Then you have to simply head back to your Facebook ad manager. Okay, so this is the ad I was running and I got 54 clicks. You can see the impressions. Some persons will click on the ad. Once they come to the platform, they might not submit. Legitimate Online Income

Some of them might not submit their email. It is normal, right? It’s normal, but you’re still going to be making your money. Okay, so you just have to make sure you click on this create campaign. Then you’re going to simply select the traffic. Legitimate Online Income
Then you click on this continue button as well. Alright, so you have to make sure you add all the details of your campaign. Okay, you can see right, this is the campaign name. This is the ad category. You can get from 95 to over 275 leads.
Okay, if you’re spending 3,980, that’s over 4,000 naira per day. Okay, all you need to do simply set up your ad then publish your ad and you make your money. Okay, so I advise you to target countries that can be able to submit your email and you make your money. Okay, so this is simply how it works. All you need to do is simply set up your campaign then you monitor your campaign. Legitimate Online Income

So, if you want to make more money with this strategy, all you need to do is simply write your blog post then embed the link on your website. Okay, so if people are coming from Google search and then visiting your website, you’ll be making your money because they’re clicking and buying your product. Okay, so this is simply how you can make your money with this strategy. Alright, so if you have questions on this, I would like you to drop it down in the comment section. If you have anything bothering you, click the link and join us on our telegram channel and I’ll be there to reply to you.
Okay, so thank you guys for reading this post. I’m going to see you guys in the next post.
The article discusses alternative ways to earn money on a platform besides safe clicking. It covers strategies involving affiliate marketing, website development, plugin installations, and ad campaigns to generate income legitimately. The author emphasizes the importance of joining their Telegram channel for valuable insights and support.
#AffiliateMarketing #OnlineIncome #WebsiteMonetization #DigitalMarketingTips #AdCampaigns
Affiliate marketing, website development, plugin installation, ad campaigns, online income, monetization, digital marketing, strategies, legitimate earning, Telegram channel.